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Moyra Dale
Sep 26, 2018
God and True Motherhood
Asma Barlas suggests (in implicit contrast with Christianity) that Islam is not a theological patriarchy, because the Qur’an rejects...

Ella Hickey
Sep 22, 2018
On Being Single and Christian
I'm so single, I literally still sleep in a single bed, and to make matters worse it is a princess trundle bed for all the sleepovers...

Melody Kube
Sep 21, 2018
Reindeer Festival
I felt like I had walked onto the set of a documentary. Over the years we had watched many, many documentaries on Siberian people...

Tamie Davis
Sep 15, 2018
Let Tamar be silenced no longer
The rape of Tamar by her half-brother Amnon in 2 Samuel 13 is horrific, and it is made even more so by the multiple points in the story...

Tamie Davis
Sep 15, 2018
Why David and Bathsheba is not about adultery
A friend of mine said to me the other day that she feels sad for Bathsheba, that her name is forever associated with adultery, while...

FHE Editor
Sep 9, 2018
5 minutes with Melody
What's your favourite bible passage & why? Probably John 4, the Woman at the Well. I love how Jesus speaks to her with unexpected...

Laura Tharion
Sep 4, 2018
How not to be a white supremacist
This month in a maiden speech to Parliament, Katter Party Senator Fraser Anning rallied his white kin to rise up and defeat all enemies...

FHE Editor
Sep 1, 2018
5 minutes with Mandy ...
I grew up in Brisbane, part of the Churches of Christ of Queensland (and a member of my local Girls’ Brigade). My favourite bible passage...
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