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Kylie Maddox Pidgeon
Oct 11, 2020
Musings from my therapy room
The optimal functioning zone is when we are calm and connected. We can be connected to other people, or to a task. In this calm and connecte

Tamie Davis
Oct 5, 2020
Tamie and Kylie talk therapy
A conversation between two FHE contributors about seeing and being a psychologist.

Alison Leader
Jun 23, 2020
A private letter to those who have “thrived” during the pandemic
Dear friend, It’s great to hear you’ve been doing so well during COVID-19. In fact, you told me you were “thriving”. That’s fantastic....

Gabrielle Macaulay
May 16, 2020
Nursing in the Covid19
From a Christian Nurse Perspective. For several months now our lives have been completely turned on their head! As a result of Covid 19...

Elise Heerde
Apr 4, 2020
A divine invitation to the wilderness
Words that only a few short months ago meant nothing to us now send shivers down our spines. Words like self-isolation, social distancing...

Fiona Isaacs
Mar 21, 2020
Practicing Peace
This year for Lent I gave up sugar to remind me that I am human, and not God, and as a daily reminder that I am limited and not really in...

Fiona Isaacs
Jan 14, 2020
Little Women
Image: Sony Pictures Entertainment [Spoilers for the film “Little Women” and for the books “Little Women” & “Good Wives”.] The recent...

Elise Heerde
Oct 5, 2019
Strengthened in the Shaking
Ever felt like everything in your world was shaking? Like it was all about to come crashing down? The struggles seem never ending and the...

Alison Leader
Sep 6, 2019
What Your Vacation Plans Say About Your Deepest Longings
Planning a holiday has got to be one of life's greatest joys. When life feels mundane, vacations give us something to look forward to....

Fiona Isaacs
Aug 25, 2019
Tangled Desire
Disney’s Tangled is possibly my favourite of the modern princess movies. It has a ridiculously upbeat soundtrack, great physical comedy...
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