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Using my days well
I’ve always liked the idea of “using my days well”. When I was teaching I could look back on the day and see what had been done. Now that...
Jane Robinson
Nov 4, 2017

The Problem with Perfection
Do you try your best but your best never seems good enough? You strive to be the ultimate friend, wife, mother, sister, daughter,...
Elise Heerde
Oct 31, 2017

Women's Shame Part 1: Ascribed
It has been good to see further discussion in western journals and books on the subject of shame and honour in the past few years. We...
Moyra Dale
Oct 18, 2017

Joy unerasable
I got a tattoo on my wrist this year, of the word joy. I could tell the tattoo artist thought it was a boringly cheery middle-aged woman...
Megan Powell du Toit
Oct 13, 2017

Be a Martha
Martha, Martha, Martha. She gets a bad rap. She is perhaps most famous for the story told in Luke 10 of what happened when Jesus visited...
Jillian Reay-Smith
Oct 11, 2017

Unforced Rhythms of Grace
Have you ever felt completely spent? Like you have nothing left in the tank to give? And the energy you do have you use to just get...
Elise Heerde
Oct 4, 2017

Why Can't Christians Just Agree—For The Sake of Church Unity?
Why can’t Christians just agree? Or, when they must disagree, why can’t they disagree quietly? Many people, both inside and outside the...
Louisa Macourt
Oct 3, 2017

Why forgiveness is not a formula
I’ve never been good with equations or formulas – and I’m not just talking about the mathematical variety. I’m thinking more about those...
Alison Leader
Sep 26, 2017

Five ways to stop over-thinking everything
I've been an over-thinker for as long as I could – well – think. My brain is often whirring, whirring... full of possibilities, problems,...
Alison Leader
Jul 12, 2017
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