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The Church is not our Enemy
“Redemption stories sing…” Sometime during my childhood I read a novel about a boy who survived as a pickpocket on the streets of London....
Laura Tharion
Dec 8, 2017

Why Can't Christians Just Agree—For The Sake of Church Unity?
Why can’t Christians just agree? Or, when they must disagree, why can’t they disagree quietly? Many people, both inside and outside the...
Louisa Macourt
Oct 3, 2017

What’s the Big Idea?
Preaching, and therefore writing sermons, is great privilege! As a preacher you know that you are serving God; serving God’s people and...
Karen Morris (Guest Post)
Oct 2, 2017

Invisible Illness and The Church – What Lies Beneath
My heart cracked into a million tiny fragments as I cradled my nine-year- old under my arm. I desperately wanted to tell her that it gets...
Hannah Boland
May 11, 2017

Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 3: The myth of the zero sum game
One of the most crippling and intractable of human beliefs is that human flourishing is a zero-sum game. We believe that another...
Hannah Craven
Jan 17, 2017

This is my body, broken
This is my body, broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me. Every Sunday as we gather around the communion table, we hear these...
Hannah Craven
Nov 23, 2016

The Temple, the Psalmists and the Acts Church
I am privileged to have been raised in the church my whole life. Recently, I’ve become aware how much each church I have attended over...
Marley Conomy
Sep 21, 2016

Four Everyday Disciplines You Must Have to Experience Community (Part 2)
I’m tired of Christians using the word community without meaning it. As I said before: “I think the church must display an even deeper...
Karina Kreminski
Mar 17, 2016

Stop Using The Word Community Unless You Mean It (Part 1)
I’m tired. I’m tired of people, especially leaders of Christian organizations and churches, using the word community without really...
Karina Kreminski
Mar 15, 2016

Breaking Through Evangelicalism's Culture of Fear
I was talking recently with someone who has been very involved in inner city mission work for many years now. He was telling me stories...
Karina Kreminski
Feb 5, 2016
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