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Cecily Paterson
Dec 14, 2015
Loving Difficult People
What about the really difficult people? Surely I don’t have to love them? The Bible’s pretty clear. As Christians we are to love each...

Natalie Rosner
Dec 10, 2015
A Chip off the Old Block?
Not so long ago our family moved twice in a period of 18 months. Not something I’d recommend! The first move was an interstate move,...

Cecily Paterson
Nov 24, 2015
Making the circle bigger
Ever been new to a church where no-one talked to you? It’s more common than we like to admit. A church may be really sincere about...

Karina Kreminski
Nov 22, 2015
Is church meant to be safe?
Recently I had an experience where I was sharing in a group with other Christians. We were all speaking very openly about some of the...

Karina Kreminski
Sep 2, 2015
Musings on the “one guy” leadership model
Recently I was at a gathering of church planters and I had a conversation with one planter which made me think again about how we view...

Karina Kreminski
Aug 5, 2015
Does the Church provide space to lament?
Recently I have been feeling the need to grieve. Nothing major just feeling slightly ripped open, bitter, revolted by, tortured by, sick,...

Karina Kreminski
Jul 31, 2015
A Litany to Honor Women
We walk in the company of the women who have gone before, mothers of the faith both named and unnamed, testifying with ferocity and...
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