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Natalie Rosner
Sep 19, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 124.8
‘No man is an island entire of itself’ John Donne Reflection: There are times for all of us when we need help. Some of us need more help...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 18, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 123.3
“Of course you can deride and mock their [Sydney Uni Evangelical Union] beliefs as naive or incorrect, and you can do so safe in the...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 17, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 122.1
“Those in whom the Spirit comes to live are God’s new Temple. They are, individually and corporately, places where heaven and earth meet”...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 16, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 76.1
‘Would the most famous love story in the world be as poignant if it was called Romeo and Gertrude? Why is what we call ourselves so...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 15, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 75.8
‘The “problem of evil” is not simply or purely a “cosmic” thing; it is also a problem about me.’ N.T. Wright, Evil and the Justice of...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 14, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 74.11
“If we believe in God only when he is doing great things for us, we are not really serving him; we are only using him”. Keller, The Songs...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 13, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 73.2-3
“Doubt is something only a believer can experience, for you can only doubt what you believe. Doubt is to unbelief what temptation is to...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 12, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 72.1-2
“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” Montesquieu, The...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 11, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 71.5
“My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes” L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables Reflection: We may not feel quite as bleak as the...
Natalie Rosner
Sep 10, 2016
Daily Reflection: Psalm 70:5
“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3 Reflection: David’s prayer in Psalm 70 is evidently...
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