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Lyn Kidson
Dec 19, 2023
Intimate Partner Violence, Male Headship & Reading 1 Timothy 2:13 as the basis for womens autonomy
Does verse 13 of 1 Timothy 2, “For Adam was formed first, then Eve” always mean that a man must lead and women are always subordinate in chu

Hannah Craven
Mar 23, 2021
At the Threshold
The final chapters of the book of Judges (19-21) tell the story of the brutal betrayal, rape and abuse of a young woman by multiple men....

Mar 15, 2020
You Have A Voice
I have a voice but I can’t use it I have a story but I can’t tell it I have a testimony but I can’t share it Have you ever felt silenced?...

Mar 1, 2020
A response from a Survivor
Some survivors of domestic violence found the recent article from The Gospel Coalition (TGC) hard to read. After some discussion and...

Tamie Davis
Sep 15, 2018
Why David and Bathsheba is not about adultery
A friend of mine said to me the other day that she feels sad for Bathsheba, that her name is forever associated with adultery, while...

Kylie Maddox Pidgeon
Jul 11, 2018
The greatest hits of what NOT to say to survivors of Domestic and Family Violence. And why it matter
So many women* have suffered hurt and harm at the hands of an abusive husband only to be further shamed and damaged when they present to...

Lynda Dunstan (Guest Post)
Jun 17, 2018
Time to Listen, Time to Act. What can you do?
On May 22nd several hundred people gathered at North Sydney Independent Theatre (hosted by Northside Baptist Church) to think further...

Megan Powell Du Toit
May 12, 2018
From a mother of boys, to the parents of girls
I have two sons. One is 13, the other 11. We wanted to have at least one boy and one girl. But difficult births led to a decision to stop...

Kylie Maddox Pidgeon and the FHE team
Apr 27, 2018
A love letter to survivors of Domestic and Family violence
Dear one, God sees you. We see you. You are loved. You’ve lived in hell. You’ve tried. You’ve cried. The rages, the blaming, the...

Rachel Neary (Guest Post)
Feb 7, 2018
Sex, consent and #churchtoo
Last year ABC news investigations by journalist Julia Baird revealed the disturbing extent of domestic violence within the Australian...
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