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Tamie Davis
Aug 30, 2018
“Sorry God, it’s been a while”
"Sorry God, it’s been a while.” This is how I feel like most of my prayers should start. I have structured my life to include prayer -...

Gabrielle Macaulay
Jul 8, 2018
Girlfriends – The Good. The Better. The Best
I realise we are blessed living in an exceptionally technologically based moment in history. This has provided us infinite access to...

Cecily Paterson
Jun 27, 2018
Friendship in the Bible: Philemon and Onesimus
For years I thought that God was inefficient. It just didn't seem to make sense that the Bible could be so big and so full of complicated...

Cecily Paterson
Jun 26, 2018
Friendship in the Bible: David and Jonathan
For years I thought that God was inefficient. It just didn't seem to make sense that the Bible could be so big and so full of complicated...

Cecily Paterson
Jun 26, 2018
Friendship in the Bible: Ruth and Naomi
For years I thought that God was inefficient. It just didn't seem to make sense that the Bible could be so big and so full of complicated...

Megan Powell du Toit
May 6, 2018
In praise of women of grace, humour and courage
Some of you might have wondered what the FHE contributor team are like as people. Though some of you got to meet them up close and...

Cecily Paterson
Jan 5, 2016
Practical tips: giving advice
Here’s a conversation you might one day be part of. You: “How was your week?” Friend: “Oh, awful.” You: “Really? Why?” Friend: “My...

Cecily Paterson
Dec 14, 2015
Loving Difficult People
What about the really difficult people? Surely I don’t have to love them? The Bible’s pretty clear. As Christians we are to love each...

Cecily Paterson
Aug 17, 2015
How to write a letter to someone you love
I've always been a person who appreciates letters. I've been writing them since I was six - first to Karen, my Australian pen pal and...

Cecily Paterson
Jul 30, 2015
Masks Off
My four year old daughter said this to me this week: “Mum, why do you look so bad before you put on your makeup?” She also told me that...
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