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Elise Heerde
Oct 4, 2017
Unforced Rhythms of Grace
Have you ever felt completely spent? Like you have nothing left in the tank to give? And the energy you do have you use to just get...

Karen Blandino (Guest Post)
Jul 4, 2016
Living in a shaming culture
Shaming has no healing or restorative purpose. Shaming invokes humiliation and embarrassment. It deceives the “shamer” into believing...

Bronwen Speedie
May 3, 2016
Grace in the Watermelon Patch
As our car pulled into the drive late one evening after we’d been at a friend’s party, I noticed something disturbing. I’m pretty sure I...

Marley Conomy
Oct 20, 2015
Sawdust and Beauty Queens
What would it look like if we were known by grace...? We know Jesus tells us God requires us to love Him and love each other. But what...
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