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Kylie Maddox Pidgeon
Jul 11, 2018
The greatest hits of what NOT to say to survivors of Domestic and Family Violence. And why it matter
So many women* have suffered hurt and harm at the hands of an abusive husband only to be further shamed and damaged when they present to...
Kara Martin
Jul 10, 2018
How can we think positively about submission?
Zac is a great preacher. He is young and a little goofy. He is nerdy in a fun way, for example he used a mathematical formula on why ants...
Lynda Dunstan (Guest Post)
Jun 17, 2018
Time to Listen, Time to Act. What can you do?
On May 22nd several hundred people gathered at North Sydney Independent Theatre (hosted by Northside Baptist Church) to think further...
Rachel Neary (Guest Post)
Feb 7, 2018
Sex, consent and #churchtoo
Last year ABC news investigations by journalist Julia Baird revealed the disturbing extent of domestic violence within the Australian...
Kylie Maddox Pidgeon & Jen Barker
Jul 19, 2017
Fixing Her Eyes joins the Centre for Public Christianity in calling for a comprehensive independent
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May 9, 2017
I didn’t leave my husband; I made the decision not to allow sin to take root in my home.
I upheld my wedding vow. I’m not someone who would ever leave a marriage or break a promise. I would never knowingly allow violence or...
Michael Jensen
Mar 26, 2017
Divorce - What the Bible really says
When Katrina decided to leave him, Geoff felt like he had contracted a severe illness. Only, no one was sending him Get Well cards. That...
Hannah Craven
Jan 19, 2017
Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 4: A Christian approach to achieving gender
So what does this understanding – that gender inequality is directly rooted in sin – offer to couples who are seeking to live out...
Hannah Craven
Jan 17, 2017
Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 3: The myth of the zero sum game
One of the most crippling and intractable of human beliefs is that human flourishing is a zero-sum game. We believe that another...
Hannah Craven
Jan 17, 2017
Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 2: Genesis 3, Sin, and Gender Inequality
In Genesis 3, after the man and woman disobey God by eating fruit from the forbidden tree, their equal partnership in carrying out their...
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