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Megan Powell Du Toit
May 12, 2018
From a mother of boys, to the parents of girls
I have two sons. One is 13, the other 11. We wanted to have at least one boy and one girl. But difficult births led to a decision to stop...

Erin Martine-Sessions
Apr 10, 2018
A Time for Everything – Life with a Baby
I have a newborn. I say it like I’m in an AA meeting. Hi, my name is Erin and I have a newborn. It’s been 39 days since I last slept. I...

Kylie Maddox Pidgeon
Nov 13, 2017
The Fruit of the Spirit Filled Parent
When you’re done by 8am, and you never signed up for days like this. When they push you and shirk you and you have to clean tomato seeds...

Megan Powell du Toit
Jul 27, 2017
Raising Boys II Men
There is a lot of anxiety these days about gender identity and raising boys secure in their masculinity. To be honest, I’m much more...

May 9, 2017
I didn’t leave my husband; I made the decision not to allow sin to take root in my home.
I upheld my wedding vow. I’m not someone who would ever leave a marriage or break a promise. I would never knowingly allow violence or...

Hannah Craven
Jan 19, 2017
Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 4: A Christian approach to achieving gender
So what does this understanding – that gender inequality is directly rooted in sin – offer to couples who are seeking to live out...

Hannah Craven
Jan 17, 2017
Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 3: The myth of the zero sum game
One of the most crippling and intractable of human beliefs is that human flourishing is a zero-sum game. We believe that another...

Hannah Craven
Jan 17, 2017
Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 2: Genesis 3, Sin, and Gender Inequality
In Genesis 3, after the man and woman disobey God by eating fruit from the forbidden tree, their equal partnership in carrying out their...

Hannah Craven
Jan 16, 2017
Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 1: Egalitarian Australia’s intriguing little
The introduction to Annabel Crabb’s excellent (and funny!) book The Wife Drought provides a depressingly clear picture of the gender...

Sep 5, 2016
Unconditional Love
When my daughter was in her last year of high school she finally admitted something that my husband and I had known for a while, but not...
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