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Thoughts on Women Driving AND Preaching
I just watched a programme about women not being permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia nor do many other things it prompted this... ...
Mary Elizabeth Fisher
Aug 15, 2017

A Rhythm of Life and Death
There can be great beauty in rhythms, the sunrise and sunset that bookend each day, the patter of rain steadily falling on a roof, the...
Fiona Isaacs
Aug 4, 2017

Women, Preaching, the Bible and 1 Timothy 2
As a female student and teacher of the Bible and someone who seeks to interpret and live out what it teaches faithfully, as well as an...
Melinda Cousins
Jun 30, 2017

An Exegetical Look at 1 Corinthians 11:1-16
This is a strange, hair-raising, passage. Certainly a challenging bit of Scripture, but one that I think helps us to appreciate Paul’s...
Jeanette Fogarty (Guest Post)
Jun 20, 2017

A Heritage: Covered by the Lamb, Slain
The following reflection was written to accompany one of my creative projects at Regent College. The class is called Christian...
Jessica Graieg-Morrison
Jun 8, 2017

Are we really allowed to be angry with God about suffering?
This question was put to me by a friend who is grieving with me. My beautiful twin sister has terminal cancer. God has graciously...
Tamie Davis
Jun 1, 2017

I am an Egalitarian
Recently I read a quote from a women's conference that said "feminism and other voices trick me into thinking that God’s design isn’t...
Louisa Macourt (Guest Post)
May 28, 2017

Creation, Redemption & Moana
Despite a pretty average story line, there is a lot to love about Disney’s new film Moana. It has a really beautiful and detailed...
Fiona Isaacs
Jan 5, 2017

Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus - Looking Ahead (Part 11)
(Read part 10 here) AS I PUT THE FINAL touches on this chapter, the year 2000 is washing over the planet. Through television we witness...
Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Dec 30, 2016

Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus - A Woman Theologian Fixes Her Eyes (Part 10)
(Read part 9 here) NO ONE WAS MORE surprised than I when I stood and cheered Linford Christie in the 1992 Olympics. Since then another...
Carolyn Custis James (Guest Post)
Dec 28, 2016
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