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Five Sisters, One Problem
I love the novel Pride and Prejudice. Although the adult in me can recognise Persuasion as Austen’s better work, the Bennet sisters were...
Fiona Isaacs
Nov 30, 2015

The bent woman Jesus raises up
We all know what it’s like to be ignored. To be constantly talked over in meetings at work. To be the one in the family who’s always...
Tamie Davis
Nov 17, 2015

Biblical mothers, a cloud of witnesses
I’m going to give birth in a few months. That’s a very ordinary thing on one hand. After all, women do it every day, and though some...
Tamie Davis
Oct 23, 2015

Women in the Bible: Leah the unlovely
‘… but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance.’ (Gen 29:17, ESV) Imagine if you were the first half of this sentence, the bit that...
Tamie Davis
Oct 18, 2015

It’s a story about a young girl, she is probably a teenager and she lives with her family, which is mostly her brothers and half-brothers...
Fiona Isaacs
Oct 7, 2015

What the Bible says about Mary the Magdalene
This article looks at what the Bible says about Mary Magdalene, and especially at what “Magdalene” might mean. Does it refer to Mary’s...
Margaret Mowczko
Aug 25, 2015

Ruth the kind
Today as we conclude our series on the Old Testament women mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy, we come to a woman in a most desperate...
Tamie Davis
Aug 9, 2015

Rahab the hospitable
Perhaps you have heard Rahab referred to as a ‘shady lady’. After all, she was a prostitute. However, overwhelmingly the Bible’s...
Tamie Davis
Aug 6, 2015

Tamar the righteous
Tamar’s story is the stuff of a Broadway show with its costumes and mistaken identity. It’s also the stuff of nightmares, this woman...
Tamie Davis
Aug 2, 2015

Bathsheba the nameless
As we commence our series on the Old Testament women mentioned in Matthew’s genealogy, we start with the woman who is unnamed. We can...
Tamie Davis
Jul 31, 2015
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