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Erica Hamence
Oct 2, 2021
Advice for women considering full-time or paid ministry
I was recently invited to speak on a panel for women considering going into vocational ministry. They asked me for my top piece of advice...

Tania Harris
Sep 18, 2019
Why Women Need to Learn in Quietness and Submission
Not every Christian believes that I should be leading a ministry or that I should even be an ordained pastor. The church I grew up in...

Jo Vandersee
Apr 24, 2019
Fixing His Eyes: What Paul Saw
I have really appreciated “Fixing Her Eyes”, and Jen’s call for us all –sisters and brothers– to fix, focus, and look upon Jesus Christ...

Louisa Macourt
May 17, 2018
Dear Church
Dear Church, we are letting down the body of Christ when we suppress, silence and minimise the women in our church. Dear Church, this...

Bree Mills
Jan 9, 2018
Speak your truth. Church, are you listening?
Oprah’s speech at the 75th Golden Globes has rallied millions of women. The first black woman to receive the Cecil B DeMille award for...

Tamie Davis & Bree Mills
Dec 19, 2017
Emboldened - A Book Review (2 Parts)
PART ONE: EMBOLDENED WOMEN I thought Emboldened was going to be a battle cry, but it was more like a warm hug. I expected more to be...

Bev Murrill
Dec 8, 2017
Lids are for Lifting
There’s been an interesting side effect to society’s changing perspective regarding women and leadership; many women are finding the need...

Jen Barker
Oct 15, 2017
12 Female Theologians You Should Know About
Here is a list of twelve (including five Australian) female theologians (in alphabetical order) you should know about, a little about...

Kylie Maddox Pidgeon & Jen Barker
Jul 19, 2017
Fixing Her Eyes joins the Centre for Public Christianity in calling for a comprehensive independent
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Melinda Cousins
Jun 30, 2017
Women, Preaching, the Bible and 1 Timothy 2
As a female student and teacher of the Bible and someone who seeks to interpret and live out what it teaches faithfully, as well as an...
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