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Jeanette Fogarty (Guest Post)
Jun 20, 2017
An Exegetical Look at 1 Corinthians 11:1-16
This is a strange, hair-raising, passage. Certainly a challenging bit of Scripture, but one that I think helps us to appreciate Paul’s...

Bree Mills
May 16, 2017
Scarcity and the Confession of a Woman in Leadership
I'm sorry. To the women I failed to raise up because of fear, I'm sorry. To the women who felt displaced because I found my place, I'm...

Bronwen Speedie
Feb 5, 2017
We Are Women
We are women Walking in the spirit of Abigail Unafraid to use our intelligence and resources To protect those who depend on us And to...

Karina Kreminski
Sep 28, 2016
Why Men Need to Engage in the 'Gender Debate'
A few weeks ago I preached at my church on the 'Theme of Women in the Gospel of Luke'. It was in the context of a series on Luke but I...

Karina Kreminski
Aug 24, 2016
Why Women Make Excellent Church Planters
There has been a lot of attention for a while now in Christian circles around church planting. When church planting initially started...

Jacqueline Grey
Feb 17, 2016
Models of Women’s Leadership in the Bible
When searching for models of women leaders, the most obvious place to begin for many Christian readers is the Bible. Throughout its pages...

Karina Kreminski
Feb 5, 2016
Breaking Through Evangelicalism's Culture of Fear
I was talking recently with someone who has been very involved in inner city mission work for many years now. He was telling me stories...

Margaret Mowczko
Nov 12, 2015
At Home with Priscilla and Aquila
Leaders in the Church at Ephesus Apollos was an impressive speaker, he was eloquent, knowledgeable, fervent, and bold. Priscilla and her...

Karina Kreminski
Sep 2, 2015
Musings on the “one guy” leadership model
Recently I was at a gathering of church planters and I had a conversation with one planter which made me think again about how we view...

Karina Kreminski
Aug 7, 2015
Gender: Being Missional and the Reign of God
People, usually Christians, will often say to me something like, ‘Are we really going to start talking about the gender issue again?’...
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