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Women's Shame Part 1: Ascribed
It has been good to see further discussion in western journals and books on the subject of shame and honour in the past few years. We...
Moyra Dale
Oct 18, 2017

Who are You?
I’ve faced many different seasons in my life and found myself countless times asking God “Who are you in this season?”. My heart is to...
Elise Heerde
Sep 12, 2017

Celebrating FHE
It has been a wonderful experience to be included in this online community of Christian women. I have appreciated the thoughtful...
Kath Henry
Aug 31, 2017

A Rhythm of Life and Death
There can be great beauty in rhythms, the sunrise and sunset that bookend each day, the patter of rain steadily falling on a roof, the...
Fiona Isaacs
Aug 4, 2017

Christianity and the Credibility of Women’s Testimony
My day ended as it had began: thinking about the credibility of women’s testimony in the Church. As a lecturer for the School of Theology...
Rev Dr Geoff Broughton (Guest Post)
Jul 21, 2017

Five ways to stop over-thinking everything
I've been an over-thinker for as long as I could – well – think. My brain is often whirring, whirring... full of possibilities, problems,...
Alison Leader
Jul 12, 2017

What does shaving your legs have to do with Jesus?
I was a young teenager when I first shaved my legs. I was the last of my friends to do it, and it felt like a rite of passage. Grown up...
FHE Editor
Jul 9, 2017

A Prayer for Women
Our God, creator and redeemer, We thank you for women. That in your wisdom you made humans female and male, in your image. We thank you...
Megan Powell du Toit
Mar 8, 2017

Egalitarian Marriage and Parenting. Making it Work Part 3: The myth of the zero sum game
One of the most crippling and intractable of human beliefs is that human flourishing is a zero-sum game. We believe that another...
Hannah Craven
Jan 17, 2017

Mary, Did You Know?
Parenthood is a (presumably lifelong) state of wishing and hoping, what-ifs and wondering. It starts with pregnancy. What if something...
Bronwen Speedie
Dec 20, 2016
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