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Marley Conomy
Jul 4, 2016
The Coach and the Cheerleader
Parenting is one of the best and most difficult roles I have as a woman, created in God’s image, as a coach and cheerleader to my boys....
Karen Blandino (Guest Post)
Jul 4, 2016
Living in a shaming culture
Shaming has no healing or restorative purpose. Shaming invokes humiliation and embarrassment. It deceives the “shamer” into believing...
Megan Powell du Toit
Jun 27, 2016
From the ox and vineyard to the cubicle and kitchenette
Here is a troubling disconnect: I have rarely heard workplace conditions spoken of from a Christian perspective. Yet I have frequently...
Lucy Lawson
Jun 5, 2016
You are Welcome
Home. It has so many different meanings, so many different connotations. When you think of ‘home’, what does it mean to you? Does it...
Marley Conomy
May 29, 2016
This Mum’s Perspective on Parenting…
As it says in Psalm 127:3 (NLT), ‘ Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.’ He gives us good gifts. Gifts we are...
Kylie Maddox Pidgeon
May 23, 2016
Complementarianism and Family Violence: The shared dynamics of Power and Control
John McClean’s recent Pulse article Does Complementarianism promote Domestic and Family Violence? [i] noted that while complementarian...
Emily Donald
May 16, 2016
4 Spiritual Practices for your Run (or Walk)
I love to take a good walk or go on a invigorating run. I know not everyone feels the same. But, what if I told you that you could do...
Kirsty Beilharz
May 15, 2016
The Trinity – A Contemporary Review (Part 2/2)
PART 2: PRACTICE What are the Implications of our Christian Triune God? Karl Rahner issues the challenge that the Trinity is totally...
Kylie Maddox Pidgeon
May 7, 2016
What do I want for Mother's Day?
I want motherhood to be recognised as being the most difficult, demanding and relentless profession. I want equal esteem for mothers as...
Bronwen Speedie
May 3, 2016
Grace in the Watermelon Patch
As our car pulled into the drive late one evening after we’d been at a friend’s party, I noticed something disturbing. I’m pretty sure I...
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