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Karina Kreminski
Nov 22, 2015
Is church meant to be safe?
Recently I had an experience where I was sharing in a group with other Christians. We were all speaking very openly about some of the...
Melinda Cousins
Nov 16, 2015
Responding to evil in the world: do we accept what we expect or is there another way?
The last few days have seen some terrible things happen in various places around the world and many words written and spoken in response....
Karina Kreminski
Nov 9, 2015
When God Shows Up: What’s A Doubting Functional Deist To Do?
My friends shuffled their feet, coughed, avoided eye contact with me and then silence hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity. I...
Emily Donald
Nov 7, 2015
It's Almost Bikini Season! ... But Does it Matter?
The weather is getting warmer, thankfully, as I've had two winters in a row, having just moved from the Northern hemisphere to the...
Tamie Davis
Oct 23, 2015
Biblical mothers, a cloud of witnesses
I’m going to give birth in a few months. That’s a very ordinary thing on one hand. After all, women do it every day, and though some...
Emma Sparkes-Carroll
Oct 18, 2015
Evensong: Allowing Time and Space for Awe
I went to my first ever Evensong service recently, at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. For the uninitiated, as I was, Evensong as it's...
Marley Conomy
Oct 9, 2015
Hopes and Dreams... The Waiting
'This is the waiting. I anxiously wait. As I hold onto love that will never let go. And in these times when my patience is tested, won't...
Fiona Isaacs
Oct 7, 2015
It’s a story about a young girl, she is probably a teenager and she lives with her family, which is mostly her brothers and half-brothers...
Kirsty Beilharz
Sep 17, 2015
Walking with God for All Our Days: Personhood in Dementia
Recently I spoke to the women at my church and their guests about my work at HammondCare, an independent Christian charity providing aged...
Karina Kreminski
Aug 28, 2015
The unproductive season - fallow land
fallow land, cropland that is not seeded for a season; it may or may not be plowed. The land may be cultivated or chemically treated for...
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