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Cecily Paterson
Aug 27, 2015
Strong and Courageous
When I signed up to write for this lovely website, I told the ever-so-charming boss lady that she’d have to give me topics to write about...
Karina Kreminski
Aug 24, 2015
Let's rest here for a little bit
Have you ever heard someone say something like, ‘That guy is a machine’? Or maybe you have heard something like, ‘She just powers on like...
Cecily Paterson
Aug 17, 2015
How to write a letter to someone you love
I've always been a person who appreciates letters. I've been writing them since I was six - first to Karen, my Australian pen pal and...
Karina Kreminski
Aug 7, 2015
Gender: Being Missional and the Reign of God
People, usually Christians, will often say to me something like, ‘Are we really going to start talking about the gender issue again?’...
Karina Kreminski
Aug 5, 2015
Does the Church provide space to lament?
Recently I have been feeling the need to grieve. Nothing major just feeling slightly ripped open, bitter, revolted by, tortured by, sick,...
Tanya Riches
Aug 1, 2015
Bathsheba’s “other” David: The Marginalization of Women, and Christ as Answer
What I’m about to tell you is true. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only one seed. But if it dies, it...
Karina Kreminski
Jul 31, 2015
A Litany to Honor Women
We walk in the company of the women who have gone before, mothers of the faith both named and unnamed, testifying with ferocity and...
Cecily Paterson
Jul 30, 2015
Masks Off
My four year old daughter said this to me this week: “Mum, why do you look so bad before you put on your makeup?” She also told me that...
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