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Tamie Davis
Feb 21, 2019
Perseverance is something of a theme for us at Fixing Her Eyes this year. 2 Timothy 2 presents us with three images of perseverance as we...

Fiona Isaacs & Isobel Knight
Jan 11, 2019
Can You Imagine That? Returning to Mary Poppins.
I need Mary Poppins in my life. Not because she has the magical ability to clean her house by clicking her fingers. Not even because she...

Elise Heerde
Nov 23, 2018
The Illusion of Balance
Have you ever felt the pressure to live a ‘balanced’ life? To find the right family / work balance or the right balance between study,...

Ella Hickey
Sep 22, 2018
On Being Single and Christian
I'm so single, I literally still sleep in a single bed, and to make matters worse it is a princess trundle bed for all the sleepovers...

Elise Heerde
Aug 6, 2018
The Sanctuary of Solitude
“Where are you?” the Spirit whispered to me. “I am right here!” I quickly replied. “Where?” He asked again. “I am here. I am with my...

Kylie Maddox Pidgeon
Jul 11, 2018
The greatest hits of what NOT to say to survivors of Domestic and Family Violence. And why it matter
So many women* have suffered hurt and harm at the hands of an abusive husband only to be further shamed and damaged when they present to...

Kara Martin
Jul 10, 2018
How can we think positively about submission?
Zac is a great preacher. He is young and a little goofy. He is nerdy in a fun way, for example he used a mathematical formula on why ants...

Gabrielle Macaulay
Jul 8, 2018
Girlfriends – The Good. The Better. The Best
I realise we are blessed living in an exceptionally technologically based moment in history. This has provided us infinite access to...

Erin Martine Sessions
May 3, 2018
After a Fashion – Stains on the Garment Industry
After an almost 20-year hiatus, I’ve returned to dance. My jazz and tap shoes, much like my muscles and my moves, aren’t quite what they...

Elise Heerde
Dec 8, 2017
When Hope Hurts
As 2017 draws to a close I wonder if you find yourself with a desire that you so dearly hoped would have come to pass this year. Yet, as...
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