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Why Women Need to Learn in Quietness and Submission
Not every Christian believes that I should be leading a ministry or that I should even be an ordained pastor. The church I grew up in...
Tania Harris
Sep 18, 2019

Always be a Martha
I love Martha. I visit her story again and again to draw from her spunk and strength as a sister in Christ. Yet all too often I see her...
Laura Tharion
Jul 23, 2019

Reading between the lines: Jesus appearing to women
Those women may just have been lucky to get the resurrection news from the angel/s at the tomb, as they got to the tomb before the men....
Jill Firth
Apr 24, 2019

A Time to Weep
Airliner crashes, weather-related disasters, drought and flooding on an unprecedented scale, political turmoil, prolonged and bloody...
Jean Thompson
Apr 7, 2019

Let Tamar be silenced no longer
The rape of Tamar by her half-brother Amnon in 2 Samuel 13 is horrific, and it is made even more so by the multiple points in the story...
Tamie Davis
Sep 15, 2018

Why David and Bathsheba is not about adultery
A friend of mine said to me the other day that she feels sad for Bathsheba, that her name is forever associated with adultery, while...
Tamie Davis
Sep 15, 2018

Godspeed: what happens when women read the Word
image courtesy of Hulu A recap: The Handmaid’s Tale is set in a dystopian America, in which a fundamentalist patriarchal cult has taken...
Megan Powell du Toit
Jul 15, 2018

Dear Church
Dear Church, we are letting down the body of Christ when we suppress, silence and minimise the women in our church. Dear Church, this...
Louisa Macourt
May 17, 2018

Faith Personified
“Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever,” so speaks an...
Laura Tharion
Apr 10, 2018

Press for Progress
My hackles always rise a little when people make statements about “what the Bible says about women” because (at least from my reading)...
Fiona Isaacs
Mar 6, 2018
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