5 minutes with Cecily ...
Tell us a little about you
I’m a reluctant cook, a focused writer and a slightly dishevelled housekeeper who doesn’t necessarily make her bed every day. I have two dogs, four kids and a husband, all of whom, unfortunately, need constant feeding. I’d rather be writing, sewing or colouring than cooking, but apparently starvation isn’t a great parenting tactic. I grew up overseas and spent five years at boarding school in the Himalayas. My favourite things at the moment are writing fiction for teenage girls and playing my cello.

What's your favourite bible passage & why?
I always hate getting asked what my favourite ‘whatever’ is. Does the fact that I love pineapple mean that I only want to eat pineapples for the rest of my life? What about lamb roast? And chicken kurai with fresh naan and coriander garnish? There’s so much good stuff in the Bible, I can’t possibly pick.
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? I remember where I’m heading. Also I turn up to church and bible study Every. Single. Week. It keeps me focused.
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
God doesn’t let you down.
What's one thing that you love about your church?
Our church is a great little community that really takes loving each other seriously. I also love that they don’t mind I play my cello in the service, even though I’m not that good.
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
At the point where I seriously considered walking away from God, because I didn’t think I had any of my own faith left, I realised that it never depended on my faith anyway. God would hold me safe in his hands even if I had no more strength to hang on. I stayed, and he did.
What are you passionate about?
Cello. Other people cooking. Writing and stories that make a difference in a kid’s life.
What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
Colouring in, reading sitting outside and sleeping. (Not all at the same time, obviously.)