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Four things I learned about faith from riding a motor scooter.

1. I am willing to put my faith in some pretty flimsy things

When I first started riding I didn’t have a proper jacket. I was wearing something that I thought was pretty cute, it had polka-dots, and worked as a windbreaker, but it really wasn’t going to do anything if I fell.

Somehow I am willing to put my entire life into my questionable riding skills, a reasonably sound helmet, and a flimsy, albeit cute, jacket. But when it comes to trusting God that his way is best, that he will provide whatever I need for life and flourishing, I balk. I know that he can and will provide words and confidence to speak his truth and grace into situations that seem dark and unfriendly or the strength to meet the challenge of just walking through the day. But I don’t live like that trust is real in my life.

I know that theoretically I trust God far more than I do my jacket, but I also know I need this reminder. Because there is an all powerful God who has time and time proved himself to me, who has demonstrated unfailing love in the sacrifice of his Son and immense power in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. I know this, and I pray that I will live like I do.

2. When I fall I pray more

When I first started riding it was very slow, and very short distances. To the supermarket and then home. And the whole time I would pray. An unrelentless chanting plea to God that he would keep me safe. Then I got a little better, I got a lot less nervous and soon I was loving the feeling of flying across Sydney streets - wind in my helmet.

Then I fell. And again I was praying on every corner and roundabout.

I don’t believe I fell because I stopped praying with that ardent frequency. But I find it a helpful reminder for all those areas in my life where I forget to pray. Where I think I know what is best, where I get sure of myself and forget that it is all in God’s hands.

3. Going fast is fun

And that reminds me that I am not made for this world. That there is a fuller life, a bigger life that God calls me to. That the trust that I am so unwilling to offer would actually open for me a life that is so much deeper, is filled with more love, more joy and more peace than the cracked half life I want to hold onto. God has called me into this life and reminds me that I will get to fully embrace it in eternity.

4. You go the direction that your eyes are looking

This surprises me every time, as someone is prone to be looking at the road or looking at the pedestrians or trees or even straight ahead when I am supposed to be going around a corner. Then I remember that if I just look the right direction, then I will go that way. And if we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, when we seek him and him only then his is the direction that we will go.

Fiona is a follower of Jesus by identity and by trade a teacher of Science. She studied at Fuller Theological Seminary in California.

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