Daily Reflection: Psalm 73.2-3

“Doubt is something only a believer can experience, for you can only doubt what you believe. Doubt is to unbelief what temptation is to sin. A test, but not yet a surrender”. Clements, Songs of Experience, p74
Reflection: It can be easy to doubt the Lord when we look around us at the world and how it works. There are many who seem to flourish at the expense of others, while some believers in Jesus seem to struggle more than they should. ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ might perhaps sum up our unease. The psalmist’s feet had almost slipped as he confronted this dilemma. But as he met with God and his people in the sanctuary (v16-17), his perspective was reshaped into the eternal framework that is the only answer to such doubts.
Prayer: Eternal God and Father, we thank you that the unfairness and injustices we see in this world aren’t the final answer. Thank you that what lasts is faith in you and that you will finally bring justice to all. Help us to keep trusting in you through Jesus. Amen
Take it further: Read Psalm 73 in full and follow the train of thought as the psalmist grapples with the ways of the world. How does meeting God and the community of believers at church help you in similar struggles?
Reflections with Natalie will be posted each morning for two weeks on our Facebook & Instagram accounts. We would love you to join us!
Nat Rosner grew up in Sydney, lives in Melbourne and loves both cities! A former lawyer, she’s now a Minister at St Hilary's in Victoria and is passionate about sunshine, summer, sport, reading and local church ministry. This reflection was originally posted as part of the Winter Warmers series at St Hilary's