5 minutes with Elizabeth ...

Tell us a little about you My name is Libby and I am an avid lover of all things floral and simple. I am studying nursing, and see this as a way that I can be instrumental in sharing the love that God has so graciously showered on me. My main love is photography and although I am often discouraged that I haven't established my own style yet, I believe I'm becoming quite partial to candid photography, but on the opposite end of the spectrum I also love styled photos! I dabble in watercolours but am still very much a novice in this department. What is your favourite bible passage and why?
My favourite bible verse would have to be Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I love this passage because we were never promised an easy road as christians, in fact it's the narrow road that leads to the greatest reward. This passage constantly reminds me that the joys and the sorrows in my life all lead to a greater cause and that through these times God is working His good and perfect will in my life, and that is a great comfort.
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
Often keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus isn't something that happens naturally, although it can most often I know for myself it's an intentional decision. For me, praying is easy when I want something but it's hard when my life is going well. I believe we fix our eyes on Jesus through intentional time spent with Him in daily devotions and prayer. In the midst of the busyness of life this can be so hard, but time and time again I am reminded that there's no better way to start or end the day than with Jesus. This discipline is something I honestly find quite hard, but see unmeasurable benefits when I do set aside that time.
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
I would like the next generation of Christian women to know that kindness and love never go out of fashion. Cling to these timeless traits, and people will see a difference in you.
What's one thing you love about your local church?
One thing I love about both of my local churches is the warmth and welcome you feel as soon as you enter the doors. I love that all ages interact; teenagers with the elderly, middle-aged with the young. I love that, because to me that is what true christian community is about. Age becomes irrelevant because we have something so much more valuable in common!
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
In a time of my life that I found hard I learnt that I discover new depths of His forgiveness and grace daily. I am a wretched sinner, and daily he cleanses me and makes me pure. At times where I feel that I've reached my limit God calls me back into his arms and I honestly haven't found a better way to live, in His mercy and grace is the best place to be because in my own strength I just couldn't do it.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about people. I am passionate about people knowing that they are valued and cared for despite how they may feel about themselves. I am passionate about the lonely.
What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
When I have a time of rest I enjoy watercolours first and foremost. Secondly, I love a good cup of tea accompanied by some photo editing of photos and my favourite Spotify playlist maybe with a bit of crocheting in there! Yes, I am a self-confessed grandma and proud of it. Visit Elizabeth's Elk Photography website here and Instagram here.