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5 minutes with Liz ...

Tell us a little about yourself. I have been a Primary Teacher for ages (not telling how many years) and I love it! I married late in life and have 5 beautiful step-sons. My hubby is a wonderful and slightly crazy High School teacher. We have recently adopted Peppa, a beaglier puppy who are in the process of training. She is gorgeous and she knows it! What's your favourite bible passage & why? Philippians 4:4-7 which says 'Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.' I have always been a bit of a worry wart! I love this passage because it reminds me that there is no need to worry and every reason to rejoice if you are in Christ. It reminds me that God guards my heart and grants me peace. How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? I try to remember key ideas and verses that I am reading in my quiet times throughout the day. Some days I am absolutely shocking at this. That's when that spirit of independence tends to take over and I forget that I am reliant on God. As a teacher in a Christian school it is my privilege and a deep blessing to be able to lead the children in devotions. During these times, the children often teach me and help me to see what a wonderful God we serve. Those around me help to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. It's great that we are not alone. What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know? The next generation need to know with certainty that in this unpredictable and fallen world, God is in control and He is here for us. As Psalm 121 reminds us, our help comes from God, the maker of all things, who watches over us and will not let our feet slip. Trust Him. What's one thing that you love about your local church? Even though our church family is quite large, there is a real emphasis placed on the importance of pastoral care. I know that when people are going through hard times, there will be a whole family of brothers and sisters ready to jump in to help. Our leadership team always have time to talk with us, guide and counsel us. This sometimes means that they have to say the hard things. I am grateful that they have the courage to do this. They are truly interested in our godliness and growth. What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard? I have recently come out of eight unsuccessful rounds of IVF. This has been a difficult journey that has brought me to my knees. I knew that God was in control of every round and that His plans for my life are far better than mine. I learnt that God gives us the strength to endure and brings deep comfort at every point of disappointment and pain. Now that I am on the other side of the IVF journey, I know that trusting God when we don't know what is ahead is vital and can lead to deeper maturity in Christ. What are you passionate about? I am passionate about helping children grow in their faith and showing them that what they believe has implications for every area of life. I am passionate about helping the children see how amazing and capable they are. What do you enjoy doing when you rest? I love to make greeting cards. My craft room is one of the only 'girly' zones in a male dominated household and I love it!

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All images, words and materials are copyright protected and are the property of the author and / or Fixing Her Eyes. Please contact us at fixinghereyes (@) for permissions. January 2024

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