5 minutes with Marissa

Tell us a little about yourself
I am a born and bred Sydney girl, became friends with Jesus at age 11, and absolutely loved going to youth group and growing in my faith alongside faithful peers and mentors. I love to travel, go for walks and eat way too much chocolate!
What's your favourite bible passage & why?
Philippians 3:7-10 Paul’s desire to know Jesus more than anything else in his life really resonates with me. Not that I am particularly good at considering everything in my life as a “loss” or “rubbish”, but it is my prayer that I would continue to put serving Christ at the top of my priority list every day and not chase after my own desires.
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
Working at a Christian organisation where everything we do is focused on Christ, (including daily devotions!) is not only a huge blessing, it is also amazingly transformative. I also have great Christian friends and a husband who keep me in check!
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
That God can use you, no matter what you do or where you are, to have an impact in this world for His kingdom. We just need to be willing and obedient.
What's one thing that you love about your local church?
I love having dinner after the service because it gives us opportunities to build relationships with everyone (not just those you sit with), have intentional conversations with people, and be hospitable to newcomers.
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
God showed me that he is always there for you, even when you may not be with your loved ones, and that his presence and grace is sufficient to help you get through anything.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about cross-cultural mission and women’s ministry and love to get the Australian church on board with what God is doing through his church around the world.
What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
I love to sit and read in the sun at the beach or in a park.