5 minutes with Elizabeth ...

Tell us a little about yourself
I was born and raised in Hong Kong but have spent the last 14 years in Sydney. Some things that I love are sushi, sunsets and snow (alliteration unintended). Over the last few years, I’ve occasionally found myself on a plane during my holidays where my eyes were opened to different corners of the world. I’ve lived with a serious travel bug ever since! During these trips, I’ve also developed a real love for photography and its power to capture, record and retell stories and experiences (of old and new), ones that our minds may not always be able to retain.
What's your favourite bible passage & why?
If I had to really choose one, it’d be Ephesians 2:8-9 - it was a passage that helped me realise my need for God’s grace to be saved. Previously, I had tried to find and fix my own security through personal achievements and comforts despite calling myself a Christian. What a contrast to God’s eternal love and saving grace! It was a huge relief to truly know that there was nothing I could do to save myself, but only by His grace, through faith.
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
By God’s grace and with His strength, I try to make the most of regular quiet times (bible reading & prayer), along with good accountability with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Listening to a good playlist of worship music is also great!
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
You are dearly beloved. Our identity in Christ, as our Creator’s image bearers, is both humbling and empowering, life-changing and satisfying. How are you seeking His kingdom and His righteousness?
What's one thing that you love about your local church?
Community and relationships that will last through to eternity. I am also thankful that we are gospel-believing church, because God’s truth is so foundational!
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
He is steadfast, unwavering and sovereign. He longs for us to cry out to Him, even when we feel undeserving of His grace and mercy. God is able to use our sufferings and pain to bring us closer to Him.
What are you passionate about?
The gospel of Jesus and how I can use my love for photography to share that with the world. Enjoy more of Elizabeth's beautiful work on her Instagram account @elizabethhung_
What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
There’s the ideal of roaming forests and mountains but mostly, it’s sipping tea, chasing sunsets, playing music or listening to a good playlist.