5 minutes with Jen

1. Tell us a little about yourself
I am a farmer’s daughter but most definitely a city-girl. I am married to Tim and we have two sons aged thirteen and eleven. We live in Sydney’s North West and have lived in our current house for ten years (the longest time I have lived in any one abode). While I am not currently teaching I still tend to think of myself as a Primary Teacher. I love reading and writing and was delighted to publish a couple of small articles. I enjoy organising and decorating and making things beautiful -the flowers God creates bring me great joy. My friends would most likely describe me as a neat-freak and control-freak (and they’d be right!) At the moment I am seeking God and waiting for His direction and timing for the next phase of my life.
2. What’s your favourite Bible passage and why?
Always hard to select a favourite but I love Isaiah 42:3 ‘A bruised reed he will not break and a faintly burning wick he will not quench. He will faithfully bring forth justice,’ and Psalm 91:4 ‘He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge.’ I have clung to these verses in my darkest hours.
3. How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
This is hard because I am so easily distracted by the world. I attend Bible Study Fellowship (a global interdenominational bible study) and find that each week God speaks directly into my life through His word and His people. The studies are comprehensive and challenging and in all honesty the structure of this really helps me to stop the frantic run-around and intentionally sit down with God. I am so often reminded to ‘be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10) because I find the ‘being still’ part difficult. Music helps me to lift my eyes to Jesus and I am also incredibly blessed to have many amazing Christian women in my life who walk alongside me as both mentor and friend.
4. What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
That God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His love never fails and he has plans for your life. The God in the Bible that miraculously provides, saves and heals - still does that today!
5. What’s one thing you love about your local church?
While it’s difficult to choose only one thing I love, the worship at my church is incredibly precious and such a blessing to me. I began serving on the worship team as a teenager and (somehow!) still do today. Music is such an amazing gift and a tool that ushers me into the presence of the King of Kings. Lyrics help me recall Gods word, reflect on His goodness and reminded of his promises. A congregation worshipping together can be a little taste of heaven.
6. What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
Emmanuel – God with us. When you reach breaking point it seems that the distance between the physical world and the spiritual world becomes very thin, and it’s especially at these times I have become aware that Jesus is present, that God Himself is with us. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I can attest to Gods goodness and gentleness, ‘a bruised reed he will not break’ (Isaiah 42:3) and ‘under his wings you will find refuge’ (Psalm 91:4) Jesus is the suffering servant, fully God and fully man. So not only has he suffered physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to the most extreme point, and therefore understands our situations, he is also fully God and has the power to transform and heal us.
7. What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about sharing Jesus’ love and healing with women who have been abused, to listen to their stories and be a friend in their journey. They say that time heals all wounds but nothing heals like Jesus does.
8. What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
I enjoy reading fiction, baking, pottering in the garden, attending a class at the gym, hanging out with family and friends and my favourite indulgence is a pedicure!