5 minutes with Elise ...

What is your favourite Bible passage and why?
Psalm 91 (in particular verses 3-6) “Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, not the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.”
When I was in the depths of depression and my anxiety was stealing my sleep, when the nights bought terror that I had never known before, these verses calmed my anxious heart and infused my spirit with peace. I would read Psalm 91 over and over again when the darkness was overwhelming and the Holy Spirit would speak words of peace, refuge, hope and life over my shaken soul. This passage not only got me through my darkness years but strengthened me and gave me a hope that my circumstances could not take away!
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
I practice His presence and I stay in His Word.
I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus by continually coming into His presence where I can find rest, peace, hope and intimacy. Every day I challenge myself to simply sit in His presence for 5 minutes with no other agenda than just to rest! To allow His love and grace to lead my mind and heart beside still waters and to lay down in green pastures. Most of the time I spend more than 5 minutes, but we all know that life doesn’t slow down and 5 minutes of rest in His presence can change your day. As I sit in His presence He calms any worries or fears that I might be facing and He infuses me with strength and courage.
I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus by staying in His Word. It’s in His Word that I discover His heart, His ways and His thoughts. His Word reveals that He has a hope and future for me, it assures me that He thinks good thoughts towards me. When I stay in His Word my eyes stayed fixed on the sheer beauty and wonder of gospel message.
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
You are a unique creation of the Creator. You weren’t designed to be compared because you are a one-off masterpiece! Embrace your differences because it’s your differences that make you unique and valuable. Stand strong in who God has created you to be and dream big!!!
What’s one thing you love about your local church?
I love that my local church empowers every generation to stand in their calling and purpose. I love that they champion the cause of the local church everywhere and that they consistently have their heart and arms open to the lost and the broken.
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
For almost 3 years I lived with chronic daily pain and during this time I learnt that God is intensely present in our pain. I learnt that even my body was not at rest, my mind, my heart and my spirit could find total rest in His perfect presence. I learnt that my circumstances did not change the goodness of God in my life. He is always present, always compassionate and always able to bring peace, hope and life in all seasons!
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about the Word of God. I am passionate about learning the Word and teaching the Word. The Bible is alive and active and has the power to change our hearts, minds and lives. It has the power to restore the broken, bring healing to hurting, impart peace to the anxious, give joy to the sorrowful and salvation to the lost. I am passionate about seeing lives changed through the power of the Word, to see the broken made whole through a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
I enjoy curling up on my couch with my journal and a coffee – if the sun is out (which is rare at the moment in Melbourne) I love sitting outside in the sun and writing.