5 minutes with Jo

Tell us a little about yourself
I'm Jo + I'm a creative from RADelaide, 28 years young. I love Jesus, people, music, photography, opshopping, coffee, having fun + a laugh! My job is having the privilege of running Worn Again. Worn Again is an Opshop which is a ministry of my Church - Citylight Church Glenelg. We sell all clothes + such for just $2 and all profit goes to the community work Citylight does in RADelaide. It's a magical place!
What's your favourite bible passage & why?
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33. My life is centred around seeking Jesus + his kingdom first, above all things. Matthew Henry puts it as such in his commentary: "We must mind heaven as our end + holiness as our way." To seek the things of Christ more than our own things. I also love love love Ephesians 3:14-21.
How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?
His word, worship, singing, DG (Discipleship Group), brothers + sisters in Christ, rest + being at the beach.
What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?
So many things. The stand-out I guess is not giving into the lie that you are incomplete without a man. Jesus is enough, more than enough + will always be enough. He is also the giver of good gifts and so waiting for a Godly man will be so worth it.
What's one thing that you love about your local church?
I love so many things about Citylight. I have never been surrounded by such a beautiful, fun + talented Christ-centred community, with solid-biblical teaching.
What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?
Last year my life kind of turned upside down when I was close to being engaged + it fell apart. Because of that I moved back to RADelaide + had to start again. Toughest thing I've ever been through. I guess through this time I learnt that God is the ultimate source of comfort + joy. And that He is ultimately sovereign - He had me + I look back now + thank Him for all the amazing doors that have opened, people I've met + opportunities I've had because of that one door closing.
What are you passionate about?
Jesus + His kingdom first + foremost. Loving people where they're at. Sharing God's good news. Being real. Second-hand everything. All things creative.
What do you enjoy doing when you rest?
Being with beautiful friends + family, having Aunty-time, cafe-hopping, drinking caffeine, thrifting + beach-walks!