Walking in Jesus' footsteps - Golgotha

John 19:17-18 Carrying the cross by himself, he went to the place called Place of the Skull (in Hebrew, Golgotha). There they nailed him to the cross.
These stones form the foundation of a church that dates back over 1650 years, built on what was thought to be the rocks of Golgotha. A place outside the city walls in Jesus’ day, but a place near enough for passersby to see the humiliation of those being punished and mock them mercilessly. A place of death and defeat. Where the charge against Jesus, ‘King of the Jews’, was meant to proclaim his failure. But it became the place where God declared his once and for all victory over all evil, sin, and suffering. The central event of our faith. How might Jesus want to bring you again to the foot of the cross this day?

Melinda is an ordained Baptist pastor currently working as Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Tabor and Director of Ministry Accreditation for Baptist Churches South Australia. She completed her PhD on the Psalms of Ascents in 2016.