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Walking in Jesus' footsteps - Shore of Sea of Galilee

John 21:1 Later, Jesus appeared again to the disciples beside the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus told his disciples to return to Galilee and he would meet them there. Back to the Sea, the place of so much of his teaching and so many of his miracles. The place of faith. The favourite place of many of the pilgrims who continue to visit this land. It is a joy and privilege to be able to walk on this shore, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus in this land. It can bring these stories to life, grounding them in their context and providing richness to their details. But walking in the footsteps of Jesus is not a call to visit the land of the Bible. It is a call to follow Him daily wherever we are. To take each step aware of his presence, living in his truth, embracing his new life. How will you walk in the footsteps of Jesus wherever you find yourself today?


Melinda is an ordained Baptist pastor currently working as Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Tabor and Director of Ministry Accreditation for Baptist Churches South Australia. She completed her PhD on the Psalms of Ascents in 2016.

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