5 minutes with Lami ...

About me I am a dramatically saved, beautifully free, humbly grateful, graciously blessed woman of God. I have known pain, sorry, isolation and despair. But now I live a life of healing, of laughter, of love and of joy all thanks to Jesus! I have been a Christian now for 18 years and have been married for 8 and have 3 incredible children. I was born in Adelaide but have lived in Melbourne since 2010 and love it here. It truly is the land of lattes, and who doesn't love a latte! I have a true love and heart for people and love to encourage others to be the best them that they can be. Because I have known love so deeply from when I met Jesus, I just want others to feel the same kind of love that I was blessed enough to experience. Favourite verse and why: Romans 8 vs 38-39- For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels not demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I read this verse 18 years ago when I was in a womens shelter and pregnant with my second child. I asked God to show me something and flipped my bible open, and here this was, here He was. Right then in that room I met Jesus, I felt love like I had never known and cried a thousand tears. No matter what I had done, no matter where I am right now and no matter what my future may hold, Jesus will always love me and nothing will separate us. How incredible is that!
How do I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus? I let my path be determined by my convictions rather than my feelings. Now as a woman this is particularly difficult and I tend to have a very small emotional filter! However when times are tough I let Jesus be the centre, the rock in the storm, the peace in my quiet place. I know that in good times and in bad times if I don't live a life totally sold out for Jesus I start to believe outside voices that are opposite to Him. So I go back to the word of God, I go back to worship and I stand because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
What I would tell the next generation of women? First of all I would give them a big hug because I love you all! And I want to let them know that they are worth more than the numbers on a scale, more than the relationship that just broke their heart, more than what they think they see in the mirror, more more more, so much more! You are daughters of the King! Beautifully and wonderfully made. A fierce force not to be reckoned with. Don't let life dictate who you are, dictate your life for how you want it to be xx
What do you love about your church? I love that when I go to church I am at home. The people there are more than just people I see every now and then, they are family.
What did you learn about God when a time was hard? I found out that God is always there no matter how far I run. Sometimes the responsibilities as a woman can be tough. We work, we are parents, we are wives, we are homemakers. It can be a tough balancing act and sometimes God can go to the back of our mind as we get busy, tired and pressures hit us. The beautiful thing is that when we stop and put our focus back on God, He is still there, still loving us. He will never ever leave us.
What are you passionate about? I am passionate about those who have been marginalised, those who society generally wouldn't have time for. Everyone has such amazing worth and potential inside of them and I am passionate about helping others see that potential just as God sees them.
What do you enjoy doing when you rest? I am a bit of a foodie so I like to eat, drink coffee and take pictures. I also am a bit of a movie buff so like to go to the cinema and have a long list of TV shows that I like to watch. I am a BIG Marvel and DC fan!