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5 minutes with Suz ...

Tell us a little about you

I was ordained in 2017 as a deacon in the Sydney Anglican Diocese, but it was quite a journey to get to that point. Originally, I trained and worked as a high school English and Drama teacher, which was a terrific vocation. But then I felt compelled to do theological study while the children were small, and eventually I went into parish ministry. Now I have been called back to the school environment where I work as a chaplain across K-12. This is a happy collision of the teaching, learning and pastoral work that I love. I’ve been married for twenty years this year and have two delightful, funny teenagers. And a furbaby – a cavoodle.

How do you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus?

A few years ago, I read The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence which had a profound impact upon me as I came to realise in a deeper sense that Jesus is with me all the time. I have set times when I read the Bible and pray, but I also carry on a conversation with God all throughout the day as I go about my life and ministry, whether I’m doing something exciting or intense or mundane.

What would you like the next generation of Christian women to know?

True satisfaction and true joy can only be found in God. He loves you like no other can. He is steadfast, faithful, merciful and overflowing with grace. If we seek to find satisfaction and joy in people and experiences, we will be left disappointed. But his love never fails – it is the spring of life.

What’s one thing you love about your local church?

We’ve only been at our current church for about 7 months, but it has been wonderful to be embraced and welcomed in so warmly. We have just joined a small group and look forward to building strong relationships with this new family.

What did you learn about God at a time in your life you found hard?

I have travelled through various seasons of sorrow, and each time I am reminded of two truths about God. Firstly, he is my Yahweh Jireh, which means ‘The Lord will provide’. And yes, he has provided me with so many good things and amazing people. But he has provided me life forever through his Son. That helps me travel through difficult times. Secondly, he is my Yahweh Rohi, which means ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’. Because even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil because he is with me.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about my family, writing, teaching, caring for people, and sharing with others about the freedom Jesus brings.

What do you enjoy doing when you rest?

I love to sit near water and just be. I love reading, running and sitting in the winter sun. I love playing games with my family and cooking. And being an introvert, a little time to myself never ever goes astray!

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All images, words and materials are copyright protected and are the property of the author and / or Fixing Her Eyes. Please contact us at fixinghereyes (@) for permissions. January 2024

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