Nursing in the Covid19

From a Christian Nurse Perspective.
For several months now our lives have been completely turned on their head! As a result of Covid 19 Australians now have upskilled their tech capacities, basically stay home (however that looks) hardly driven our cars or used public transport and when exercising for our allocated time give each other a surprisingly wide berth.
For us as nurses our lives have also changed dramatically. We are blessed to still have the security of our jobs although some find this fraught with fears as well. Along with the physical side of these vast and sudden new rules and policies we have, also comes the privilege of caring for a community battling a fear and uncertainty they have never faced before.
I have found that there seems to be an inverse proportion sometimes of patients who present with such deep anxieties who then later bear the heights of gratitude of God’s healing and presence. The depth of their fears and vulnerabilities is washed away by the relief of God’s gift of health, life and love.
The message for us as Christian daughters, mothers, aunties, workers, teachers, nurses (and often all these roles at once!) and ALL the positions He has strategically placed the FHE daughters in is that God remains the same. Ladies, we all were born for such a time as this (Est 4:14) Let us chose His promises, chose our responses, show compassion and ramp up this wave of fear by meeting it with dignity, resolution and a larger wave of God’s goodness.
His Word is unchanged, His love is undaunted, His plan for our lives and purpose is not taken by surprise and He meets others’ vulnerabilities through our care.
As the nation faces new changing restrictions over the next days and weeks we realize it takes a further toll on mental health outcomes. Let’s stay in touch with each other as a community and ask R U OK to those around us. We can be an active part of the solution as we partner with God and His unchanging love.

Gabi Macaulay
Nurses Christian Fellowship Australia