When Women Preach

In 2016, I preached my first ever sermon in church. I was pretty nervous and practiced it about 12 times in the lead up to Sunday. That week I also went to a conference for women in leadership in the church. Apart from it being one of the most minimising conferences I have ever been to as a female leader, a line from one of the speakers on the platform still stands out to me; ‘when women preach, they emasculate their husbands’. I remember heading home from that conference quite distressed by the experience and asking my husband if the idea of me preaching that coming Sunday emasculated him in some way. Thankfully, he replied with something along the lines of, ‘what are you talking about? Of course not.’ It was a confronting message to wrestle with. This past week a prominent male evangelical leader said that women preaching was sinful. And my heart sinks for the impact of these words, that sow distress and fear into hearts of dear sisters of mine who will be preaching this Sunday. Maybe even for the first time. Who similarly wrestle with whether they are being faithful and obedient to God when they stand in that pulpit to preach. Rather than argue with what is wrong and unhelpful with these positions, I want to celebrate what happens when women do preach.
*Note: I know the things I list below don’t happen only when women preach but they can be uniquely expressed when we hear the voices of women. When women preach
We reflect the image of God.
Men and women are made in the image of God. God is neither male nor female. When women preach, we can reflect the image of God in different ways to our male counterparts.
We are faithful to our calling.
God has called many of his daughters to be preachers and prophets in this age, and ages past, to proclaim his message of salvation and hope. He has equipped them with his Spirit to be voices to a world drowning in brokenness and despair.
We illuminate the Biblical story.
The stories of women intersect with God’s word from a place that men don’t access in the same way. Our experience of life and faith can provide greater depth to God’s goodness and grace.
We become a voice for the silenced.
Across history and even today the voices and stories of women are silenced. When women preach, we provide hope and transform our communities showing that women’s voices deserve to be heard, believed and celebrated.
We reveal God’s heart for his daughters and sons.
Women preach in a way that vulnerably communicates God’s work in their lives and connects people to the emotional heart of God for his children. We can see the depth of God’s love and kindness in new ways that invoke our hearts to worship him.
We build up God’s church.
When God’s message of salvation is preached, it encourages, exhorts and enriches the community of believers. When women preach it demonstrates a tangible example of the value God places on women and their equal part in his mission of salvation.
We bring healing and hope to those who are crushed and broken in spirit.
When we share our stories of struggle and hurt, we invite the community of God’s people to a place where they see they are not alone and that God heals and redeems our stories and our burdens for his glory.
We honour God.

Louisa completed a Masters of Divinity at SMBC and has been a pastor since 2021. After 20 years worshipping God in an Anglican context, she is delighted to be serving God at Erina Baptist Church. Louisa is married to Simon and they have a Beaglier called Ambrose. Louisa loves drinking tea, spending time with family and friends, and watching anything on DisneyPlus.